Saturday, December 10, 2005


Our project's focus is on the area of Healthcare, Education and Technology.

In specific, the 3 different subprojects are:

The school has dilapidated rooms that they dedicate for this purpose more for compliance to the regulations of the government. In that 'library', there's only one shelf containing books which are hardly used, with no chairs and tables. There are 800 students in the elementary level (age 6 to 12) and 500 students (age 13 to 17) in high school.

Our plan:
Apart from supplying the library with more cultural and educational books, we are planning to provide training on library system and reading campaign in the form of story-telling sessions (for the elementary school students) and poster-making/book sharing sessions. The opening ceremony of the revamped library will be in the form of a skit, enacted together with the local high school students.

Required: funds for more book shelves, chairs, tables as well as books.

Computer Lab
There are 60 students in every class so they hope to have 20 to 30 computers in the laboratory. There's a room for this purpose though not furnished with tables and chairs yet. Besides, they are also seeking a training for the teaching staff in troubleshooting typical problems such as virus contamination and hanging computers, as well as computer assembly.

Our plan:
For the computer lab, we are still evaluating the option of getting second hand computers/computer parts from Singapore or collecting funds to procure them in the Philippines. We are planning to compile a manual on computer assembly and trouble-shooting

Required: hardware donation, expertise in setting up hardware & software, and training materials.

Waste management
Waste management is really one of the main problems of the community. Many just throw their garbage in the empty lots near them so there are garbage everywhere. The community would benefit a lot if they be taught a system and a technology in disposing the garbage, for example, to have a garbage collection center and garbage bins. There’s no common landfill in the island, so the garbage mountain is burnt occasionally.

The local government used to pick up the garbage from the island then put it in a landfill, some for recycling. However, this practice is stopped due to lack of funds. There are a few clean and green youths volunteers who can take care of the cleanliness of the place with a minimal stipend per month.

Our plan:
In the first place, we hope to be able to impart the importance of hygiene, sanitation, and recycling in daily life to be the motivation for future system and technology. This will be done in a simple and light-hearted manner such as skit and jingles. Then, we are looking into ways to foster the habit of throwing rubbish in a centralised area for the volunteers to, as much as possible, sort the garbage for recycling.

Required: expertise in waste management or clean-and-green education.


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